It seems simple, right?
But as a business owner, it’s so hard to enforce this rule on yourself when you’re putting together the marketing materials for your product or service.
Don’t worry, I find it hard too!
It’s too easy to fall into the trap of marketing to ourselves rather than our audience.
It’s an easy mistake to make, as we’re all precious about our businesses.
Be Relevant.
Getting your message out there to your audience is important. But getting THE RIGHT message out is what matters most. So be relevant.
Analyse Your Audience.
It helps to know your audience. If you don’t, then advertising your services or products to them will be very hard. So take some time to put them under the microscope and find out who’s buying from you. It’ll help you to tailor your message in order for them to keep coming back and buying from you in the future.
Get to know your audience. And then ask them.
It helps to know your audience. If you don’t, then advertising your services or products to them will be very hard. So take some time to put them under the microscope and find out who’s buying from you. It’ll help you to tailor your message in order for them to keep coming back and buying from you in the future.
After you’ve got to know your audience, it’s time to ask them some questions. It seems obvious, but your audience usually knows what they want from a product or service.
My recommendation would be to create a survey for your loyal customers. There are some great online survey services such as:
Employ an expert or third party.
An expert or a third party who is not directly linked to you or your product/service will help. They’re usually really good at getting into the mind-set of your customers, as they’re not directly linked to you or your business. They can offer a fresh perspective.
If in doubt, KISS.
KISS of course stands for ‘Keep It Simple, Stupid’. Don’t kiss your audience. That might end badly. KISS is probably my favourite and most helpful term when it comes to design and marketing.
So there we go. It all seems like straightforward stuff. But it’s amazing how many companies get it wrong.
I’ve been guilty of it in the past. And I think it’s still something that design agencies are often still struggle with, when they want to show themselves off as ‘trendy’, ‘innovative’, ‘change-makers’ and other buzzwords.